We Are Silver Atelier Games
We are Silver Atelier Games, a small game studio focusing on visual novels.
What are storytellers? We are the crafters of lore, makers of creatures — we also eat lots of snacks and cry over unfinished scripts?

We are a small dedicated team with a passion for video games. Lead by Hira, Silver Atelier Games aims to bring new and interesting narratives.

Thought-provoking narratives are our jam. The Dragon Gods is our pilot project, and we hope you'll stay for the ride.
What We Do
“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.”― Vincent Van Gogh

The Dragon Gods
About The GameThe Dragon Gods centers around Fontaine, a curator at a small-time gallery somewhere in New York. There are few visitors to the gallery and he decides to scout artists to boost its profile.Fontaine's got his work cut out for him — he can also see dead people. Normally they'd behave as normal people would, minus the walking through walls thing (he's learned to stop dropping his tea after the fifth time).But around these artists, he sees vague shapes hovering around them.What do these mean?What can he do about them?Along the way, depending on your choices, there will be romance. The story is set in a modern timeframe, in New York, and its themes are heavily based around stories in global mythology and art curation.This game promises you a tour through the intersectionality of art and myth — with some surprises along the way.What To ExpectHe attacc,
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Most importantly,He got your bacc (literally).
Looking For Work?
Sensitivity & Culture ConsultantRequirements-As this will be touching upon multiple mythologies and cultures, I'd love to get a few consultants on board to ensure that I representing your cultures and mythologies accurately and respectfully
-Currently seeking consultants from: Africa, the Middle East, Indigenous peoples, South AsiaComposerRequirements-Looking for a composer with a versatile style
-Game is heavily influenced by dream pop and rock aestheticsUI ArtistRequirements-Looking for a soft/painterly style for the UI (buttons, textbox, menus)BG ArtistRequirements-Currently have 3 backgrounds to be colored
-Will require another 3 drawn by hand (following the preset style-----------
Please email your portfolio and rates to silverateliergames[at]gmail[dot]com.Payment in USD.
Click here to be taken to our press page! Still a WIP.
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